This article was published in:

Atrium: Centro Studi Metafisici e Tradizionali. Lavarone: Anno X (2008), № 2, pp. 110-123




Andrey Smirnov

La Ḥayra [perplessità] Ṣūfī  e l’Arte islamica:
La contemplazione della decorazione attraverso i
Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam


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This paper was presented at the international conference Sufism, gnosis, art: the thought of Ibn Arabi and Shah Nimatullah (Seville, 22-23 November 2004) organized by the University of Seville and Inter Cultural Center, USA. By the efforts of Alberto De Luca, to whom my sincere thanks are due, it was translated into Italian and published first at  EastOvest Web site (29 October 2005), and later in Atrium magazine.