Russian page |
Graduated in 1981 from the College of Afro-Asian Studies affiliated to the Moscow State University, Department of Arabic.
Ph.D. at the Institute of Philosophy, Centre for Oriental Philosophies, in 1989. The Ph.D. thesis “Philosophy of Ibn `Arabi” is a systematic exposition of Muhyi al-Din Ibn `Arabi's philosophical views. Published in 1993 under the title “The Great Shaykh of Sufism” (in Russian), it is accompanied by the first full Russian translation of Ibn `Arabi's Fusus al-Hikam ("Bezels of Wisdom").
Doctor of Sciences at the Institute of Philosophy, Centre for Oriental Philosophies, in 1998, for thesis “Meaning-generating procedures in Medieval Arabic philosophy”, later enlarged and published under the title 'Logic of Sense'.
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since May 2006, Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since November 2016.
Current position Deputy Director, Institute of Philosophy under the Russian Academy of Sciences, Goncharnaya 12, Moscow 109240, Russia; Head, Department of Philosophy of Islamic World in the Institute of Philosophy under the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2008).
Courses in the Moscow University and other institutions:
Russian philosophy
History of the Classical Arab philosophy
Islamic ethics
Sufism and Islamic culture
Arab philosophy: texts and interpretation
Arabic Language and Islamic Doctrine and Culture
Publications 18 books (5 of them co-authored) and more than 100 articles, in addition to 50 articles on Islamic philosophy in the 'New Philosophical Encyclopaedia' (Moscow: Mysl, 2000-2001, in 4 vols.) and 25 articles on Islamic ethics in the 'Dictionary of Ethics' (Moscow: Gardariki, 2001)
Velikiy Sheikh Sufizma. Opyt paradigmal'nogo analiza filosofii Ibn Arabi (The Great Shaykh of Sufism. A Sample of Paradigmatic Analysis of lbn 'Arabi's Philosophy). Moscow, 1993, 327 p. (in Russian, accompanied by the first full Russian translation of Ibn `Arabi's Fusus al-Hikam "Bezels of Wisdom")
Al-Kirmani, Hamid al-Din. Uspokoyeniye razuma. Vvedeniye, perevod, kommentarii (Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani. Rahat al-`aql "Peace of mind". Introduction, translation and commentary). Moscow, 1995, 510 p. (in Russian); reviewed in the Bulletin of the SOAS
Logika smysla: teoriya i yeyo prilozheniye k analizu klassicheskoy arabskoy filosofii i kulturi (Logic of Sense. Theory and Its Application in the Analysis of Classical Arabic Philosophy and Culture). Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Cultures, 2001, 504 p. (in Russian); (reviewed in: Transcendent Philosophy; Spektrum Islam)
Logiko-smysloviye osnovaniya arabo-musulmanskoy kulturi: semiotika i izobrazitel'noye iskusstvo (Logic-and-meaning Foundations of Islamic Culture: Semiotics and Fine Arts). Moscow: IFRAN, 2005, 256 p. (in Russian)
La Filosofia Mistica e la ricerca della Verita / Pres. et trad. Alberto De Luca. Roma: Simmetria, 2005 (Mystical Philosophy and the Quest for Truth - in Italian)
Il vortice divino. Il monismo come interdipendenza tra zâhir-bâtin: il punto di vista musulmano e la filosofia mistica di Ibn ´Arabî // Dialegesthai. Rivista telematica di filosofia. 5 dicembre 2008 - in Italian.
O podkhode k sravnitelnomu izucheniyu kultur (What does ‘comparative study of cultures’ mean?). Saint-Petersburgh: SPb. Trade Unions Humanitarian University Publishing House, 2009, 121 p. (in Russian)
Ibn Arabi. Selected works. Vol. 2 / Translation from the Arabic, commentaries and introductory article by Andrey Smirnov. — Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture: Sadra, 2014. — 400 p. — (Philosophy of Islamic World: Translations. V. 2) — ISBN 978-5-9551-0667-0, 978-5-906016-16-4
Soznaniye. Logika. Yazik. Kul'tura. Smysl (Mind. Logic. Language. Culture. Sense). Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture, 2015. 712 p. (Studia philosophica) ISBN 978-5-94457-235-6. In Russian
Sobitiye i veshi (Event and things). Moscow: LSC Publishing house, Sadra. 2017. 232 p. ISBN 978-5-906859-48-8. In Russian
Vsechelovecheskoye vs. obshechelovecheskoye (Vsechelovecheskoye vs. obshechelovecheskoye). Moscow: Sadra, LSC Publishing house. 2019. 216 p. ISBN 978-5-907041-24-0. Chinese edition: 人类全体的与人类普遍的封面 China, 2020. ISBN: 978-988-74940-8-9.
Protsessual'naya logika (Process Logic). Moscow: Sadra, 2019. 160 p. ISBN 978-5-907041-37-0 (co-authored by V.K.Solongayev). In Russian
Logika smysla kak filosofiya soznaniya: priglasheniye k razmyshleniyu (Logic of sense as a philosophy of consciousness: an invitation to discussion). Moscow: LSC Publishing house. 2021. 448 p. ISBN 978-5-907290-42-6 (1st ed.); ISBN 978-5-907290-43-3 (2nd ed.). In Russian
Co-author and editor
Rossia i musulmanski mir: inakovost kak problema (Otherness Problematized: Russia and Islamic World). Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Cultures, 2010, 523 p. (in Russian, co-author and editor)
Istoriya Arabo-Musulmanskoy Filosofii: Uchebnik (A History of Arabic Muslim Philosophy: Manual). Moscow: Academic Project Publishers, 2013 (in Russian, co-author and editor)
Istoriya Arabo-Musulmanskoy Filosofii: Antologiya (A History of Arabic Muslim Philosophy: Anthology). Moscow: Academic Project Publishers, 2013 (in Russian, co-author and editor)
Istoriya Arabo-Musulmanskoy Filosofii: Uchebnik i Antologiya (A History of Arabic Muslim Philosophy: Textbook & Anthology). Moscow: Academic Project Publishers, Sadra, 2020. 623 p. ISBN 978-5-8291-3763-2; ISBN 978-5-907041-53-0 (in Russian, co-author and editor)
Osoznat smysl, osmyslit soznaniye: manifest Drugoy folosofii (Sense of consciousness and consciousness of sense: the Other philosophy declared). Ed. Ruzana Pskhu and Andrey Smirnov. Moscow: Sadra, 2023. 392 p. ISBN 978-5-907552-21-0 (in Russian, co-author and editor)
in Bosnian:
in Bulgarian:
in Chinese:
in English:
The Path to Truth. Ibn `Arabi and Nikolai Berdiaev (Two Types of Mystical Philosophizing) // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Winter 1992-93/vol.31, N 3. M.E.Sharp, Armonk, New York, 1993, p.7-39.
Nicholas of Cusa and Ibn `Arabi: Two Philosophies of Mysticism // Philosophy East and West. A Quarterly of Comparative Philosophy. Honolulu, vol.43, N 1, January 1993, p.65-86.
Understanding Justice in Islamic Context: Some Points of Contrast with Western Theories // Philosophy East and West. A Quarterly of Comparative Philosophy. Honolulu, vol. 46, N 3 (July 1996), p.337-350.
Toward a Comprehensive View of Jewish Philosophy: the Middle Ages and the Modern Era // Jewish Philosophy and the Academy. ed. E.L.Fackenheim and R.Jospe. Madison-Teaneck, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, London: Associated University Presses, 1996, p.93-99.
Causality and Islamic Thought, in: A Companion to World Philosophies, ed. E. Deutch and R. Bontekoe, Blackwell publishers, 1st ed., 1997, pp.493-503.
Truth and Islamic Thought, in: A Companion to World Philosophies, ed. E. Deutch and R. Bontekoe, Blackwell publishers, 1st ed., 1997, pp.437-447.
The Universe as a Phenomenon of Language: Sa‘adiah Gaon’s Commentary to the Book of Creation. — in: Paradigms in Jewish Philosophy, ed. R.Jospe, London, Associated University Presses, 1997, pp.87-111.
Do the Fundamentals of Rationality in Different Philosophical Traditions Correspond? A comparative study of Zeno’s paradoxes and teachings of early Kalām // Islam - West Philosophical Dialogue: the papers presented at the World Congress on Mulla Sadra, May, 1999, Tehran. Tehran: Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute, 2004, p.109-120.
Al-Fiqh al-Akbar of Abu Hanifa and Early Islamic Philosophy: Mutual Influences. Summary, introduction, translation, and commentary - in: Yearbook of the Russian State University for Humanities. N.4, part II. Moscow: RSUH Press, 2000, pp.52-86
Dualism and Monism: How Different the Two Versions of Sufi Ethics Really Are? - Paper presented at the International Conference on Mawlawi Rumi organized by the Institute of Islamic Studies, London and The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of the University of London (London 25-26 January 2002)
Cultural Diversity as Logic-and-Meaning Otherness: the Case of Knowledge and Faith // Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures. Washington, D.C.: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; The Council for Researches in Values and Philosophy, © 2011, pp. 129-133
The Hellenizing Philosophers // The Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy / Ed. Jay L. Garfield and William Edelglass. NY: Oxford University Press, © 2011, pp. 397-409
A Logic-and-Meaning Approach to Culture as a New Interpretation of Universalism // Bulletin of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Series ‘Philosophy’. 2012, № 4, p.123-131
Happiness as self-realization: two Islamic approaches // Bulletin of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series ‘Philosophy’ (Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия Философия. 2014, № 1). Moscow, 2014, № 1, P. 94-100
Ibn Khaldūn and His ‘New Science’ // Ishraq : Islamic Philosophy Yearbook : 2014. No. 5. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2014. P. 217-237
Care for life in medieval Islamic thought: a logic-and-meaning approach // Ishraq : Islamic Philosophy Yearbook : 2015. No. 6. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2015. P. 236-250
Towards an Understanding of Islamic Ornament: Approaching Islamic Ornament through Ibn ʿArabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam’s Notions of the Ẓāhir-Bāṭin Interplay and the Ṣūfī Ḥayra // Confluence: Online Journal of World Philosophies. Vol. 3. 2015. Pp. 60—84
“To Be” and Arabic Grammar: The Case of kāna and wujida // Ishraq : Islamic Philosophy Yearbook : 2016. No. 7. — Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2016 (367 pp., ISBN 978-5-02-039759-0), pp. 174—201
Is Islamic civilization project feasible today? // Contemporary Global Challenges and National Interests: the 16th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, May 19–21, 2016. St. Petersburg : SPbUHSS, 2016. P.129-131
The Collective Cognitive Unconscious and Its Role in Logic, Language, and Culture // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017, Vol. 87, No. 5, pp. 409-415. ISSN: 1019-3316 (Print) 1555-6492 (Online). DOI: 10.1134/S1019331617050070 http://em.rdcu.be/wf/click?upn=lMZy1lernSJ7apc5DgYM8TutVyEPFAgHae6WYXYxbXs-3D_O18tzmQcoP37vKhmEoebbI-2FRclApvId3SrUu-2BfoqXj6RdvKCk-2FxR2QbaQuYw801Ir69zBBXDBcsXFU25rPhIDHUEoBlGKUl0MMvxSVzBcCKGinZpysizk5y2YpQc6-2Bt8nbZToG1-2FSb-2Fsa0n-2BW0Z3ZX4gO7zf3Wee2baj7qVzOsTAjJujI184cbP7QmhyY9sXYK5tfDMHn62aTbBvCzdgIBaZCx3REHJcY1FtwuJoe6kzoX2cktzWTaNc0V9yUbLLw5qoYrreiv7eoKAw3H1d5w-3D-3D https://link.springer.com/journal/11480/87/5/page/1, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1019331617050070
The Finer Points of a Culture’s Thought, Russian Studies in Philosophy, 56:3, 153-155, DOI: 10.1080/10611967.2018.1459374. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2018.1459374
Proposition and Predication, Russian Studies in Philosophy, 56:3, 156-177, DOI: 10.1080/10611967.2018.1459375 https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2018.1459375
Is a process-based logic possible? // Ishraq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook: 2019. № 9. — Мoscow: Sadra, 2019. — 424 p. — ISBN 978-5-907041-35-6. P. 287-297 PDF
Self-Consciousness of Russian Society // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, Vol. 90, No. 2, pp. 138-141. DOI: 10.1134/S1019331620020094 https://rdcu.be/b4UmM
How to ‘Edify’ the ‘Arab Reason’ (and Any Reason at all) // Ishraq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook: 2022. № 10. Moscow: Sadra Publishers, 2022. P. 347-357.
The Philosophy of Sense. Social Sciences, Vol. 54, No. 4, 2023 https://dx.doi.org/10.21557/SSC.94488913
Russian Studies in Philosophy, Volume 58, Issue 6 (2020) Contemporary Russian Philosophers: Andrey V. Smirnov / Ed. Marina F.Bykova https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mrsp20/58/6 . A “Big Culture” and Cogito, pp. 457-466 https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2020.1868260 ; A Simpleminded Discourse on Enfolding and Unfolding, pp. 467-490 https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2020.1868261 ; Translation as the Manufacturing of Meaning: A Few Words about the Title of Ibn Khaldūn’s History, pp. 491-521, https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2020.1868262 ; Classical Eurasianism as a Post-Revolutionary Philosophy, pp. 522-534, https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2020.1868263
in Italian:
Il concetto di "essere" nel sufismo: quale spazio per una tolleranza universale? Il problema della diversità religiosa // Sufismo e confraternite nell'isiam contemporaneo: Il difficile equilibrio tra mistica e politica. [Torino]: Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 2003, p.27—45 [English version]
Nicola di Cusa e Ibn ‘Arabi: Due Filosofi del Misticismo // Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica, Anno 74, 2005, n. 2 April-Giugno. Firenze: Convento S. Marco, p.317-354 [English version]
La Ḥayra [perplessità] Ṣūfī e l’Arte islamica: La contemplazione della decorazione attraverso i Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam // Atrium: Centro Studi Metafisici e Tradizionali. Lavarone: Anno X (2008), № 2, pp. 110-123
in Japanese:
アンドレイ・スミルノフ スーフィーの存在理解-無限定で普遍的な寛容はいかにして可能か(究極的宗教的寛容の存在論的基盤) - 東洋学術研究 /Journal of Oriental Studies. Tokyo: The Institute of Oriental Philosophy, 2009, vol. 48, № 2, pp. 143-167. [English version]
in Persian:
Aya mabani-yi ‘aqlaniyyat dar sunun-i falsafi-yi mukhtalif ba ham mutabaqat darand? Mutali‘a-yi tahqiqati-yi paraduksha-yi Zinun wa kalam mutaqaddim // Mulla Sadra: ‘Irfan, kalam wa din (Majmu‘a-i maqalat-i humayish-i jahani-yi hakim-i mulla Sadra. Awwal-i khurdadmah 1378 [1999], Tehran). Tehran, 1383 [2004] [English version]
حیرت صوفیانه و هنر اسلامی. تأمّلی در بارۀ تزیین از منظر فصوص الحکم. (ترجمۀ
اسماعیل پناهی)
// عرفان
ایران (مجموعۀ مقلات) 33، 34. تهران: حقیقت، 1387. ص. 179-196
Hayrat-i Sufiyane wa hunar islami. Ta’ammoli
dar bare-ie tazayyon az manzar-e Fusus al-Hikam // Irfan-e Iran (majmua-ie
maqalat). #33, 34. Tehran: Haqiqat, 1387, p.179-196.
in Spanish:
Note: More information is to be found at my Russian
page, including e-texts of publications, articles on
philosophy and ethics in encyclopedias, and the Dictionary
of Medieval Arabic Philosophy.
Comments and feedback are welcome
Last update: 21 February 2024
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